MAG is gold, open beta begins tomorrow

Zipper Interactive has announced by way of the PlayStaiton.Blog that MAG has completed development. The 256-player online first-person shooter has gone gold in North America, Japan, Korea and the rest of Asia and is now going into manufacturing. The European game is almost complete, and should go gold in the next few weeks.
In order to celebrate the game’s completion, Sony’s launching the open beta for MAG tomorrow. This open beta is worldwide, so everyone will get to play. It’ll include both the game’s 64-player Sabotage and 256-player Domination modes. It’s big. How big exactly? We’ll tell you.
When the beta goes live tomorrow, you can access the PlayStation Store and download the 298 MB beta. Following the installation, you’ll have to update the game which will add another 38 MB. Then, after that, you’ll have to grab the game data which is 1.8 GB – 2.3 GB depending on your region.
The beta begins tomorrow and ends January 10 at 11:59 pm Pacific Time. The full game launches for PlayStation 3 on January 26, 2010.