BioWare Vice-President Greg Zeschuk has said in a recent interview that Japanese role-playing games lack a certain “evolution”.
“The fall of the JRPG in large part is due to a lack of evolution, a lack of progression,” Zeschuk said to D’toid. “They kept delivering the same thing over and over. They make the dressing better, they look prettier, but it’s still the same experience.
“My favorite thing, it’s funny when you still see it, but the joke of some of the dialogue systems where it asks, ‘do you wanna do this or this,’ and you say no. ‘Do you wanna do this or this?’ No. ‘Do you wanna do this or this?’ No. Lemme think – you want me to say ‘yes.’ And that, unfortunately, really characterized the JRPG.”
Although there are exceptions, Zeschuk said; Demon’s Souls is currently one of his favorite games. He does believe that Western role-playing games have evolved much greater those crafted by Japanese development teams, though.
Personally, I’d pick the Japanese role-playing game any day. To me, western and Japanese role-playing games are two completely different genres.