Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike, the animated movie detailing the events before the game, has released in Japanese theaters. In celebration, Namco Bandai held a talk session at the Kadokawa Cinema theater in Shinjuku.
Present at the event were Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike director Kanta Kamei, Production I.G producer Hidekazu Terakawa, Namco Bandai Games general manager Makoto Yoshizumi, and Tales of Vesperia producer Yoshito Higuchi. They answered questions that had been submitted prior to the event by participants.
The most notable question answered was regarding a sequel to the game. Yoshizumi answered by telling us that during staff meetings, he would be asked “Will you be making a Tales of Vesperia 2?” and he would answer “Don’t talk like a fan!”. “It appears that [within the company] there’s a desire to make part 2,” he said. “We’re thinking about it.”
Regarding a sequel to the animated movie, he said that they have thoughts on what they’d like to do for another movie, but they’re not sure. “I don’t know when it will happen, but we’d like to show [these things] in video form.”
Thanks, Andriasang.