Microsoft issue e-mails remarketing Ninja Gaiden II
In a rather bizarre move, Microsoft have sent out e-mails this morning marketing a game they published back in 2008; one that’s received a major revision just recently on PlayStation 3. That game is Ninja Gaiden II.
Just after the revised Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 releases on PlayStation 3, Microsoft sends out e-mails of the original 2008-released game. The e-mails read: “Gokuson has challenged you to battle. Bring honor to your clan by visiting the Ninja Gaiden Dojo to hone your techniques and answer the challenge.”
A mini-game is available at the link provided in the e-mail, as well.
We’re not sure why Microsoft would remarket the title, even in just e-mails, considering it released last year and a newer version with more features has released on the competing console, but is sure is an odd move on their part.
Thanks, Electronic Theatre.