Sega leaks Sony’s PS2 emulation plans, motion control release date
Sega has made a boo-boo and leaked confidential documents from a meeting held with Sony Computer Entertainment America on August 5th this year. The link has been taken down, but luckily someone over at NeoGAF got everything down beforehand.
The documents reveal that “SCEA wants to sell all PS2 titles on PSN.” Whether or not that means every game will be remastered, such as the God of War Collection, or if Sony’s figured out a way to emulate PS2 games on all the current hardware, is unknown. However, they mention Grand Theft Auto: Vice City in the documents. This is all mentioned under the title: “PS2 emulator for PS3 (confidential)”.
Also mentioned in the leaked documents was Yakuza, suggesting that SCEA “could put Japanese games directly on PSN for download in a special Japanese Import section”, but “[may] need to localize menus at least with subtitles.”
Finally, the PS3 Motion Controller. It’ll be launching in Spring 2010 in the west and in March 2010 in Japan. Sony plans on selling four to five million units globally.
As a little bonus, there’s the opportunity of releasing Dreamcast titles on the PlayStation Network. The document says that “If we provide a list of DC titles SCEA will let us know which ones they’re interested in having exclusively,” going on to conclude, “If we give them a long period of exclusivity they’ll give us more marketing support.”
A game named Vanquish was also mentioned. Any idea on what that could be?
Thanks, GameZine.