Resonance of Fate is a Japanese RPG coming from the developers of the Star Ocean series. This time around, tri-Ace is bringing their role-playing expertise to the steampunk world, as well as tossing in a load of additional hours in comparison to their previous games.
After a drastic change in Earth’s environment, the citizens of the planet have taken shelter in a huge device known as Bazel, which in short is a huge tower with towns and districts where the people live. The upper class live in the rich apartments of the top and the lower class live in the districts surrounding the tower. When Bazel malfunctions is when the problem begins.
It’s already been said before that Resonance of Fate takes 80 hours to fully explore, so we know the environment is obviously huge. How long the game takes is a different story. A “standard” playthrough of the game will take gamers a good 50 to 80 hours to complete without sidequests. Doing everything in the game will cost you about 150 hours. That’s one big game.
The game’s battle system sticks to RPG’s roots and goes turn-based. You’ll select who you want to attack and when you attack you’ll get a nice animation to go along with it involving flips, jumps and turns. Like Valkyria Chronicles, you’ll also have a certain number of steps you’ll be able to take as well per turn.
So far, the game seems like it’s looking good and with so much content, we’re looking very forward to this one.
GC09; Resonance of Fate includes over 150 hours of gameplay [PS3 Attitude]