Kojima Productions on Metal Gear Solid 4 Trophies: “Be Patient”

If Metal Gear Solid fans have been asking for anything besides more information on the upcoming Metal Gear Solid: Rising, it’s trophies for the already released PlayStation 3 title, Metal Gear Solid 4. However, when the “Week of Metal Gear Solid” event passed, providing numerous updates to Metal Gear Online and didn’t result in trophies for the game, fans gave up hope. Lift your heads up, because it just might happen.
The latest Kojima Productions podcast hints that they’re coming soon. Sean Eyestone spoke about the trophies.
“Just to address one issue that we’ve been getting a lot of comments about. And this is, of course, about trophies.
“I just wanna tell everybody out there right now that your voices are being heard and that we’re not ignoring you. We hear everything that you are saying. It’s just that we can’t say anything just yet.
“But as soon as we have something to say, we will announce it. So, if we can just ask everyone to just be patient, we will give you an answer. But right now we can’t say anything. So we just ask for everyone’s understanding with that and just ask for everybody to remain patient and we’ll let you know.”
Be hopeful, dear readers.