Croteam is bringing Serious Sam HD to the Xbox LIVE Arcade this summer, as they announced under publisher Majesco Entertainment the other day. However, why didn’t the developer create a PlayStation Network version as well?
“We did plan for PSN at the start of Serious Sam HD development,” said Roman Ribaric, CEO of Croteam.
“[We] couldn’t get additional financing to support [the] extra development time needed,” he continued. “It was either to do PSN by the same date or forget about it. There was also a thought to find another team to do it, but nobody was either willing (a.k.a. not enough time/money/interest) or realistically being able (or crazy enough) to do it in such short period.”
“We [have considered] doing PSN after we finish PC and XBLA,” he said. “However, we keep hearing over and over from publishers, investors, marketing and other suits that players from one console, in this case PSN, wouldn’t want to get it later, let’s say eight months and seven days after, if it’s released sooner on the other console, here that would be XBLA. I would normally say that’s a lot of bull, but I will refrain here from my comment.”
“It would feel perfect to have it on PSN as well,” he said. “However, we are a garage team of 20 people, although with a larger garage now, working on Serious Sam HD for PC and XBLA platforms. Along that, we are developing Serious Sam 3 and Serious Engine 3 tech for both platforms. Now, I know we are good, but we are not that good to add PSN and finish at the same time. Just kidding, we are that good, but we are not supermen.”
Serious Sam HD Could Hit PlayStation 3 Later, But Croteam Asks: Would You Buy It? [G4TV]