If you could choose between Final Fantasy XIII and Wii Sports, I think it’s obvious what you would chose. The Japanese chose the same. Thanks to the release of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete and the inclusion of the Final Fantasy XIII trial demo, the PlayStation 3 was able to outsell the Nintendo Wii for the second month in a row. The PlayStation 3 moved 108,530 units while the Wii moved 67,116 units. Microsoft, on the other side, remains struggling in Japan only moving 27,381 Xbox 360s.
In March, the PlayStation 3 outsell the Nintendo Wii for the first time in 16 months thanks to games like Yakuza 3 and Resident Evil 5. The April numbers make it the second month in a row that Sony has outsold Nintendo. Could Sony keep it up and make it three months? Four? Twenty?
Sony PS3 outsells Wii for second month in Japan [Reuters]