Tetsuya Nomura, famous for his work on Final Fantasy VII and head of Final Fantasy Versus XIII, was interviewed in the latest Famitsu, where we get some project updates on Final Fantasy XIII and Versus XIII.
First of all, Nomura is not involved much at all in production on Final Fantasy XIII, besides design, voice recording and marketing. This make sense since the game seems to be nearing completion, and more of his time can go into Versus XIII now. He actually says he’s currently focusing on Versus XIII and Agito XIII.
The team working on Final Fantasy Versus XIII consists of more or less the same members of the Final Fantasy VII team and everyone is working like crazy on the game, ensuring the best quality on the game. They’re currently testing the battle system and map gimmicks as well as town lighting. Nomura says that the day and night for one of the towns made it feel like the town literally existed in front of him.
Nomura says he’s preparing to show us something surprising once the time is right for Versus XIII, but we have to wait a bit longer. However, E3 will bring in new videos and images for Final Fantasy XIII, but Versus XIII will not be present.
As for Final Fantasy Agito XIII, the handheld game has a completely different battle system from the battle scenes seen in the trailer. Nomura’s trying to make it the pinnacle of handheld RPGs.