Microsoft released a new free booklet in Japan telling all the reasons why they think the Xbox 360 is “better” than the PlayStation 3. Now, here we like both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, so we could not decide. However, the pamphlet displays an anime character with Xbox 360 clothing on, hoping to lure in hentai-craving teenagers.
The cover of the propaganda reads “Xbox 360 over PlayStation 3 if you are picking multi-platform games”. The issue basically lists a bunch of multiplatform games for the console which are supposed to be superior than the PlayStation 3 version. Some of them I’ve played and they seem fine on both systems to me, however, the guys at Microsoft advertising may have wanted to think about including Tales of Vesperia as a “superior” multiplatform game considering a PlayStation 3 version was announced with more content.
Now, once again, we love both systems, but frankly I believe this kind of behavior from Microsoft is childish. Yes, it’s marketing, it’s business, but you never see Sony doing this, do you? Microsoft Japan, no!

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