Prototype is set to release on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in June. So why should you buy it? Well, Activision felt the need to highlight the (awesome) reasons that gamers should buy the game. For some of the highlights, you can shape-shift your ass off, run throughout New York City doing some extreme parkour (whilst throwing cars at the same time), and consume and become enemies.
We’ve compiled the list for those too lazy to watch the video. Read on for the list and the trailer.
#10 – Run and Gun Firepower
#9 – Projectile Dysfunction
#8 – Pwn Everyone and Everything
#7 – Combo Attacks
#6 – Brutal Devastator Attacks
#5 – Jacking Military Vehicles
#4 – Stealth Kills + “The Patsy”
#3 – Consume and Become… Anyone
#2 – Open-World Adaptive Parkour
#1 – Deadly Shape-Shifting Action