Harmonix “Would love to” do Amplitude Sequel on PS3
Before Rock Band, Harmonix made a little game on the PlayStation 2 named Amplitude, also a music game. Harmonix CEO Alex Rigopulos says that he wants to make a sequel to the SCEA-owned game for the PlayStation 3.
“I would love to. That game is still close to my heart. I love it. I’d love to do a sequel to Amplitude, actually. It’s an issue of prioritization.” said Rigopulos. “It’s challenging enough to keep the Rock Band train on the tracks.”
Regarding what they’re actually going to do with Amplitude, Rigopulos said “For us, that lingering question of “what are we going to do about Amplitude” is still very much out there. I would love to come back and do it right for the PlayStation 3, for example. ”
Harmonix have even spoken with SCEA about it, however Rigopulos said “I think they recognize that the environment for that game is different now than it was six years ago when it was first released. I’d love to see us come back to it at some point.”
Amplitude still on the table [Ars Technica]