Uncharted 2 Detailed Information from GameInformer

The latest issue of GameInformer features none other than the first details and screenshots of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. The game is about searching for Marco Polo’s “lost” ships when he was returning home to Italy. GI was shown a demo that took place in Nepal, South Asia, so it seems that the game takes place in many different locations. Hit the jump for all the bulleted information.
- There’s a new girl named Chloe Frazer. GameInformer asked about Elena and Sully’s return but they had no comment.
- The story is about looking for the ships that Marco Polo “lost” while returning home to Italy.
- Melee combat is more dynamic now.
- They mentioned they were using only 30% of the PS3‘s power with Drake’s Fortune and are planning to use nearly 100% with Among Thieves.
- A demo was shown to GI with Drake going through a city (I believe in Nepal), and he’s stealthily taking out guards and escaping the city.
- Nolan North returns to be Drake and Chloe Frazer is played by Claudia Black (Stargate SG-1, Fargate).
- The SIXAXIS mechanics were ditched for such things as throwing grenades.
- One of the weapons revealed is a rocket launcher that Chloe uses (might only be for the cinematic).
- There are no load screens.
- The score is being composed by Greg Edmonson (same guy who composed the first game).
- Weapons can be used in any stance (running, behind cover, hanging, climbing a wall, etc.).
- You can now move while aiming behind cover.
R2KCipher Photobucket [Photobucket]
So I just got my GameInformer… [GameFAQs]