Jaffe: Wait to Experience God of War III’s Greatness
Before the God of War III gameplay trailer debuted at the Video Game Awards on Sunday night, God of War producer David Jaffe spoke on how the footage was amazing writing that it was “like a painting come to life”.
Then the video released. Many of us thought it looked superb and top knotch. However, others thought it was complete crap and certainly did not look like a painting coming to life. So Jaffe wrote on his blog today.
“It is NOT the thing I was raving about- as I made clear in a video post a week ago- but I still think it looks darn good,” Jaffe wrote. “To me, the stuff Spike showed when viewed in proper resolution looks like a AAA God Of War to me. It doesn’t rock my world but it doesn’t look: meh. It looks like I’d expect a next-gen GOW to look.”
He writes that the good stuff still “has not been shown outside of internal Sony meetings”, and still believes that God of War III “remains the best looking console game I’ve ever seen…beyond Gears 2 which so far is the best looking console game ever released.”