Sony UK managing director Ray Maguire feels that “nothing is ever exclusive” in regards to the exclusive downloadable content for games like Fallout 3, Grand Theft Auto IV, and for the Xbox 360. This brings up tensions with PlayStation 3 owners who claim that Sony isn’t trying to secure the same amount of content.
So, Mr. Maguire, will the PlayStation 3 ever see this content? According to him, “nothing is ever exclusive”.
“One thing to remember, nothing is ever exclusive. Things get wrapped up for a period of time for a large amount of money and if it’s a strategic decision by competition to do that then we have to live with that.”
I guess God of War is not really exclusive to the PlayStation brand then. Like he said, “nothing is ever exclusive”. Unless he is hinting at the downloadable content somehow coming to the Sony console, then I see the statement as pretty much idiotic and a way to dodge the fact that they haven’t really secured any of the exclusive content.
PlayStation 3 owners could be in for a surprise though. Who knows, I’m not Ray Maquire.
[Sony UK boss on DLC: ‘Nothing is ever exclusive’]