Warhawk Trophies Coming in v1.5 Patch

Trophies are coming in the v1.5 Patch and there are 56 trophies in total. They are broken down into the following categories.
• There are 10 trophies based on the Warhawk‘s current stats/rank/awards system. Like getting all your Bronze badges, attaining a specific rank, or earning a number of medals.
• There are 34 trophies that are entirely *new* rewards based on Warhawk‘s core game and not based on our current stats, ranks or other awards.• There are then 4 trophies per booster pack that are, of course, completely new awards.
Jobe says that ten of these trophies are based on stats and awards that you may have already earned, so if you have them your good. The v1.4 patch is “very, very, very close to being released” and the v1.5 patch isn’t far behind.
[UPDATE : Warhawk Trophies — July 1st, 6:00pm MST, 2008]