The are promising to push this new game “a little bit further” than Heavenly Sword.
“When developing a story,” Antoniadas said. “The way we’re doing it now with our next project, we’re starting much earlier with the writing. We’ve got a writer on board and we’re spending a lot of time on the shop floor, in the studio with the designers, including the level designers, working out the narrative flow, the locations.
“I think it’s absolutely essential. Last time round we didn’t really involve our designers in the process so the story became a nuisance to what they were trying to do which was create gameplay. Now we’ve involved them all together there’s a much bigger appreciation of the gameplay and story.”
Speaking on the subject of the future of video game cutscenes, Antoniadas said:
“There’s going to be a mixture of in-game narrative methods like they use in BioShock, traditional cut scenes and controllable cut scenes.
“Because it’s such a visual medium it’s the same format as film. I think it makes sense to use some of the same conventions. But we are at a point where can start to break some of those conventions. I feel like progress is a little bit slow. It’s something we want to do in our next project, push a little bit further. I don’t think cut scenes are going to go away.”
The Ninja Theory official website currently hosts some teaser artworks of their upcoming multiplatform game.
“Right now we’re working on an exciting new concept that has got everyone we talk to buzzing. We can’t say a lot except that it’s going to be great to work on and should be even better to play! It’ll take all the things we loved about Heavenly Sword and make them bigger and better than ever before.”
[Ninja Theory talks up new multiplatform title]