EDGE: “Shenmue 3 Believe” [Update]
Original Story:The 192nd issue of EDGE Magazine features a page at the end where we see a page that simply states “Notes” at the top with a bunch of lines filling the page. The bottom of the page says “Next Month, Edge 192, no sale August 28”.
However, looking closely in the blank page of notes (seen on the left), you’ll see a transparent-like sentence inside saying “Shenmue 3 Believe”.
Shenmue was a well-received game on the Dreamcast while Shemnue II was a well-received game on the Xbox both averaging at 85-90’s in score. Does SEGA have a Shenmue III in-store for the Xbox 360?
[Shenmue 3 in der nächsten EDGE? Shenmue 3 in the next EDGE?]