New PAIN Updates On Their Way
Jukebox Play – Now you can play your own tunes inside of PAIN. If you have some time go back to my previous blog posts and you will see where you users took us to task about including this option. So it’s DONE.
New Downtown Layouts – We have new configurations for downtown. Demolition and Block Party. Go to the trophy room after your update and you will see how to unlock these areas. You can also play these areas in HORSE now too.
Multiple Character Selection – Many of our players wanted to play two player games with different characters. So there you go.Logo Skip – Now you don’t have to wait for the logo sequence to get right to the game.
Then a week after on June 26, we will get this:
Nigel – A nod goes out to Sony Europe for helping us make a hoodlum the right way. Nigel will be available for download.
Platinum Club – If you are awesome at PAIN and earned all your Platinum medals then you will get brand new layouts for Spank The Monkey, Mime Toss and Fun with Explosives. You even have an exclusive leader board. Now that’s elite. If you are in the Platinum Club trust me… you have skillz.
They tell us they still have more to come and will tell us about their upcoming “Abusement Park” level soon.