• Already ready for the next Grand Theft Auto? The gap between GTA3 (2001) and GTA: Vice City (2002) on PS2 was only a year, but given next-gen demands, don’t expect anything until 2010. Industry buzz suggests the game will return to Vice City – we agree, but would prefer a new location like London, or Tokyo. We’ll see…
• Now, then, Prince Of Persia creator and rights holder Jordan Mechner has filed for the trademark ‘Prince Of Persia Prodigy‘. US publication Games Informer claimed the next Prince of Persia subtitled Heir Apparent, so this either indicates a name change… or it could be the name of the new Jerry Bruckheimer-produced Prince film, loosely based on the Sands Of Time.
• Word is that All Points Bulletin could be PS3-bound in 2009. Coming from Grand Theft Auto creator Dave Jones, the MMOG pits players against each other as criminals and cops, encouraging cred rather than leveling up.
• LittleBigPlanet could be heading to PSP. If true expect it to link with the PS3 version.
• The film Juno could be given the game treatment.
• PS3 trophies could be on their way. The PixelJunk Eden website as been updated with a fact sheet which lists ‘Trophy support’. Its also been mentioned that your trophies will be displayed in 2D form somewhere on the XMB. They’d also tie in with the forthcoming Home.
• Hideo Kojima‘s next project could be Zone Of Enders 3.
• Suda 51 is said to be interested in remaking Kojima’s Japan only masterpiece Snatcher.
• A future firmware update will let you record and upload game footage to YouTube.
• Rock Band 2 is in development.
• The new Guitar Hero game is said to feature a song from one of the worlds biggest pop star and is also said to feature a celebrity that will also be the final boss.
Some of those rumors, such as the trophy rumors, we know are true now and are coming soon. The other ones such as APB and all are possible. Our next “Games We Want to Come to the PLAYSTATION 3” segment will feature APB. Hopefully we will get some good knowledge from the developers.