The Last Guardian footage purposefully being held back
Sony to limit what it will show before launch.Sony Computer Entertainment is purposely holding back showing new footage of The Last Guardian for story purposes, SCE Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida said.
“Development is going well, but because it’s about the story, we don’t want to show too much,” Yoshida told GameSpot during Paris Games Week. “We wanted to show that it exists, it works, it runs. It’s not like we won’t show anything before launch, but I think we will try to limit what we show about the game.”
The Last Guardian re-appeared at E3 2015 as a PlayStation 4 title. It was first announced as a PlayStation 3 title at E3 2009 and was once scheduled to launch during holiday 2011. But PlayStation 3 hardware “compromised” the game’s ambition, prompting the move to newer hardware. While it didn’t come with new footage, Sony brought a life-sized version of Trico, the game’s buddy-creature, to the Tokyo Game Show in September.