This might be a bit confusing. Square Enix previously said it will share details on the PlayStation 3 version of Final Fantasy XIV at the Tokyo Game Show next week. But according to producer Naoki Yoshida, speaking in the game’s latest “Letter from the Producer” broadcast, “initial information” on the PlayStation 3 version won’t come out until mid-October.
“We’ll be releasing the initial information [on the PS3 version] around mid-October,” he said. “I believe we’ll have screenshots first, but please hang in there! The actual video is pretty (while looking at the Windows version screen), but the quality is a bit messed up in the broadcast.”
Yoshida also touched upon the game’s new housing system.
“With the new housing system, there are multiple themes such as “wilderness,” “sea,” and “forest.” Players will purchase the land and also the right to own a house. Once you build a house, players will be able to create their unique house by selecting from a list of parts. Also, players will be able to place furniture created by Disciples of the Hand and build a chocobo farm in their yard.
“The housing system will have updates dedicated specifically to housing. I’m sure players will really enjoy the housing system. Additionally, objects within the house can be placed via drag & drop (including the PS3 version).
“Lastly, there are plans to implement huge spaces of land that cost a fortune!”
Read the full Q&A transcript, which discusses the game’s crafting and gathering systems as well as other topics, here.