This whole Resident Evil 6 thing has been a fun ride, hasn’t it? Yesterday, a supposed trailer of the game appeared online. Capcom was quick to call it fake. Today Akiraodasan, the Hell’s Decent forum member who originally leaked the Resident Evil 6 logo in July (which essentially kicked this rumor into high gear), posted again, also saying the trailer is fake (he’s not the one who posted it), but teasing a reveal at the Tokyo Game Show tomorrow.
Capcom will host a Resident Evil 15th Anniversary stage event tomorrow at 3:10pm JST (2:10am EST), where the reveal would most likely take place (if any).
Akiraodasan also provided the above image: a direct-feed shot of the logo, the same shown back in July. It’s similar to the logo seen in the fake trailer, but if you look closely, the logo in the trailer looks to be an attempt at recreating the July logo. This image looks much more spot on.
Stay tuned. Hopefully we can put an end to this in the AM.