VanillaWare hiring staff for unannounced project
More than just 13 Sentinels in development.
VanillaWare is hiring programmers and designers for work on 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, as well as a second, unannounced project.
Here’s the outline on its staff recruitment page:
“We’re are recruiting a total of four game development staff, including one programmer to help work on our currently in-development 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, and one programmer and two designers for another project (title unannounced).”
While we don’t have any details about the other project, 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim was first teased in 2013 through one of VanillWare’s New Year’s cards before its official announcement in 2015, so it is possible previous years (such as the artwork above) may act as a teaser for this new game.
Thanks, Sokuho@Hokanko.