Square Enix hiring staff for “NieR-related product scenario creation”
More NieR goodness to come?
Square Enix is hiring staff for “NieR-related product scenario creation, as well as planning work.”
The hired scenario staffer would be responsible for the following areas, based on the setting of the NieR series:
- Plots for sub-quests, etc. as well as scenario framing.
- Design instructions such as NPC design specifications to be used in-game.
- Creating text for item descriptions, etc. to appear in-game.
The Square Enix Business Division 6 recruiting page, which is headlined by artwork from NieR: Automata, features messages from NieR series director Yoko Taro and NieR series producer Yosuke Saito:
Yoko Taro
Hello. NieR series director Yoko Taro here. Thanks to everyone’s support, it appears that we will be carrying out various developments in regard to NieR. Nonetheless, there are limits to what lazy Yoko can do on his own. So I told Square Enix producer Yosuke Saito, “I can’t handle ANYMORE,” and now I get to round up a team of people to work with me, so I’m putting out a call for talented individuals.
Some people may be concerned by the thought, “What kind of person is Yoko?” I, too, am truly the same and full of worry in regard to, “What kind of people will come our way…?” However, for the time being, I think it may be good for us fellow uneasy people to talk a bit among each other.
Yosuke Saito
I have consulted with Yoko. What will we do with NieR from here on? This hit was a one-hit wonder, wasn’t it? We’ve hit our peak and there’s no going higher, that must be it. Things like that. But it definitely feels like there are a great many people waiting on the world of NieR. No, I’m sure of it.
That said, Yoko is not God. He’s human. He sometimes cries, and he sometimes gets discouraged. I’d like to take this opportunity to recruit those who could help Yoko and together weave the world of NieR, so we have now begun “NieR-related product scenario staff recruitment.”
It may be a hard to get in, but please apply if you’re interested. Thank you.
NieR: Automata launched for PlayStation 4 in Japan on February 23, followed by a worldwide release on PlayStation 4 and PC in March. As of May, total shipments and digital sales have topped 1.5 million units.
Thanks, Hachima Kikou.