Yo-kai Watch Busters 2 announced [Update]
Yo-kai beat 'em up action game gets a sequel.
Yo-kai Watch Busters 2 is in development and will launch in Japan this winter, the latest issue of CoroCoro Comic reveals.
The magazine does not mention a platform. The first Yo-kai Watch Busters launched for 3DS in Red Cat Team and White Dog Corps versions in July 2015 in Japan. An English version has yet to be released.
Thanks, Ryokutya2089.
Update 08/09/17 at 10:00 p.m.: A scan from CoroCoro Comic has surfaced, revealing the full title to be Yo-kai Watch Busters 2: Treasure Legend Banbaraya. This time, the game is set on Karakuri Island, where the treasure of a pirate king rests. Karakuri Island is a mysterious island with extravagent treasures and where dangerous yo-kai lie in wait.
Thanks, @ddsxtggg and Games Talk.