THQ Nordic and Airship Syndicate have released the opening animation for Battle Chasers: Nightwar. It is animated by Powerhouse Animation, the same studio behind Netflix‘s recently launched Castlevania animated TV series.
The video reveals that the Switch version of Battle Chasers: Nightwar has been delayed to “slightly later” than its PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC counterparts, which will launch on October 3.
The video features a new hero named Alumon the Devil Hunter. Here’s a description of the character, via THQ Nordic:
Once a member of a sacred order of monster hunters, Alumon was banished from the order and now operates alone as bounty hunter, taking contracts and doing odd jobs for money, from exorcisms and assassinations if the job requires it (and sometimes even if it doesn’t).
Though Alumon possesses the traditional magic and light-based abilities of the Battle Priests of his order, he has taken his study of the dark arts further than most. Many of his spells and abilities call upon dark magic, often bringing harm to himself or others. Meddling with these dark powers has physically changed Alumon, so he is easily recognized by his frost white hair and serpent-like eyes. For that reason, Alumon usually wears a mask.
Watch the video below.