Capcom has released a series of short trailers for Monster Hunter: World introducing the game’s 14 weapon types.
Additionally, Capcom has launched a contest to design a weapon to appear in the game. The deadline for submissions is August 16 at 9:00 p.m. PT / midnight ET. Read more about how to enter here.
Monster Hunter: World is due out worldwide for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in early 2018. A PC release will follow later. In Japan, the game will only launch for PlayStation 4.
Watch the footage below.
The bow is a ranged weapon that ran ram down an array of arrows upon monsters. Hunters can inflict various status ailments with arrow coatings.
Charge Blade
The charge blade can morph from a sword and shield combo into a high-powered axe. Energy stored in the sword and shield can be released through the axe.
Dual Blades
The dual blades can overwhelm monsters with a flurry of attacks. Demon Mode enables hunters to unleash a high-octane assault.
Great Sword
The great sword lacks in mobility, but can deliver devastating attacks. Its Charged Slashes can deal heavy damage to any monster.
The gunlance offers high offensive power thanks to its ability to fire shells. Its slew of shelling attacks can keep monsters at bay.
The hammer is a blunt weapon used to smash monsters with powerful blows. Using it to bludgeon monsters over the head can stun them.
Heavy Bowgun
The heavy bowgun is capable of inflicting massive damage with its high-powered shots. Hunters can use powerful ammo types, such as Wyvernsnipe and Wyvernheart.
Hunting Horn
The hunting horn is an easy-to-handle support weapon with long reach. It can provide status buffs to the whole party with its melodies.
Insect Glaive
The insect glaive provides great mobility, enabling aerial attacks from all angles. Its Kinsect can harvest extract to provide various boosts.
The lance boasts strong offensive and defensive capabilities. It allows hunters to move around while keeping their guard up.
Light Bowgun
The light bowgun is a long-range weapon that specializes in high mobility and rapid fire. Unique ammo such as Wyvernblast is great for supporting allies.
Long Sword
The long sword is a nimble weapon capable of extended combos. Its Spirit Blade has the ability to raise its wielder’s attack power.
Switch Axe
The switch axe can transform between a long-reaching axe and a swift sword. The sword’s Element Discharge can deal massive damage.
Sword and Shield
The sword and shield is balanced, mobile, and great for beginners. It allows hunters to use items even with their weapon drawn.