The latest issue of Weekly Jump introduces a new type of monster that appears in Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time called “reincarnated monsters.”
Reincarnated monsters are monsters who have lived long and whose appearance has changed. They are a rare encounter, and thus may also drop rare items. Reincarnated monsters pictured in the magazine include the violent panda, golden cone, heart knight, and cactus gold. There are also quests that task players with defeating reincarnated monsters.
The teaser text for the next issue of Weekly Jump’s Dragon Quest section at the bottom of the page teases “the super latest information on a certain title.” Perhaps next week we will finally get a release date for Itadaki Street: Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary?
Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.