If you look closely enough, you’ll see a slightly stylish Higgledie among a group of Higgledies. This is the “Higgledie Leader.” There are various types of Higgledie Leaders.
—The Higgledie Leader brings together a big group of Higgledies. A circle can be made around the Fire Higgledies, and a special icon will be shown above the Higgledie Leader.
—If you issue an order to the Fire Higgledies, they will form a dome-shaped defense barrier around Evan.
—The defense barrier negates the the damage Evan receives. By making appropriate use of Higgledie Leaders in this way, you can fight through battles more with an upper hand.
Depending on the Higgledie Leader, the role of the Higgledies will significantly change.
■ Lofty’s Advice
Lofty will sometimes give you battle advice. When the enemy is down is your chance to strike! Use skills to deal heavy damage.
■ Kingdom Mode
By introducing new people of talent and technology to the kingdom established by Evan, you can receive various benefits on your adventure and in battle. By assigning people of talent to the right places, you can develop the kingdom more efficiently.
In order to develop your kingdom, you must focus not only on the castle, but manage the various facilities and people of talent around the castle. Since developing the kingdom results in a more favorable journey for the player, be sure to build up your kingdom.
As for how you will build your kingdom, more information will be shared in a future update.
If you missed it, read our previous information blasts here and here.
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom will launch for PlayStation 4 and PC on November 10.