Earth Defense Force 5 details Ranger and Wing Diver weapons
12 weapons introduced.
D3 Publisher has updated the official website for Earth Defense Force 5 with information and screenshots on the Ranger and Wing Diver soldier class weapons.
Get the details below.
■ Ranger Weapons
A high-efficiency assault rifle developed in 2018. It has stable performance, and given that it rarely faces issues such as equipment failure, it has been adopted as the main weapon of the Earth Defense Force. Holding the trigger will continually fire shots one after the other. It should be noted that the bullets fired are susceptible to air resistance and decrease in power depending on distance.
Minion Buster
A special rifle developed for battles against Combat Frames. It can fire armor-piercing high explosive shells fully automatically. The armor-piercing high explosive shells are equipped with explosives and delayed detonators. It pierces the targeted armor and explodes inside. It is a formidable weapon that deals damage in two stages—hitting the target and the explosion that follows. Since the warheads are big, the bullet speed is slow and its range of fire is short, but its destructive power is immense. Since there is no decline in power due to distance for damage dealt at the time of the bullet’s explosion, it is also effective against enemies at a long distance.
A pump action-style shotgun. It can simultaneously fire a large number of bullets. Since bullets scatter and fly about, it is possible to attack a wide range. It has immense destructive power at close range, and enough force to pierce its target. However, since the shape of its bullets are unique, they are susceptible to air resistance and their power significantly declines depending on distance. It is difficult to deliver fatal damage at long distances. It also takes some time to load the bullets.
Goldon E1
A new model semi-automatic shotgun. Because of its large magazine, the amount of bullets it can load far exceeds that of the Wazor-style shotgun. However, reloading takes some time because of the magazine’s size. It fires a single shot each time the trigger is pulled. In order to continue firing, the trigger has to be pulled many times over, but depending on the ability of the user, a considerably high rate of fire is expected. Since bullets scatter and fly about, it is possible to attack a wide range, and it has enough power to pierce its target. However, since the shape of its bullets are unique, they are susceptible to air resistance and their power significantly declines depending on distance. It also takes some time to load the bullets.
LN-3 Burst
A new model sniper rifle developed to reliably defeat enemies at a long distance. It can fire a three-shot burst. By holding the trigger, it will consecutively fire three shots. It can be said that it is an effective weapon for shooting at targets moving at high speeds. It is equipped with a scope, making it possible to zoom. When fired at an effective range, power decline by air resistance is almost nonexistent.
Impulse Y8
A new model directional land mine. It will automatically explode when the enemy is within an effective range. It can fire a large amount of ball bearings in the direction it is facing, allowing it to destroy a wide range of enemies. It will reload when everything explodes or by pressing “Reload Button.” The land mines that have already been sent out are designed to automatically detonate when reloading, so there is no need to worry about leaving behind unexploded shells on the battlefield.
■ Wing Diver Weapons
Officially known as the “Zero Range Plasma Arc Rifle.” A new weapon developed for use by Wing Divers. In close combat, it only has a range of 30 meters. However, its destructive power is immense, and it fires a countless number of Plasma Arc blades. It can destroy any object in its path. Since it is necessary to approach the target to attack, it is a high risk weapon, but it exhibits overwhelming power for close-range combat. While pulling the trigger, it scatters and irradiates Plasma Arc blades.
A new model rapier equipped with a power amplification device called Volt. By holding the trigger, power will build up within the Volt. By releasing the trigger, the power within the Volt will unleas and plasma spears will fire for a fixed period of time. Depending on the amount of accumulated power, the output is amplified and the destructive power is increased. The more power accumulated, the greater the distance, amount of shots fired, and destructive power. The scattering range also converges to the front. The plasma spears are extremely powerful, but depending on the distance, their power significantly decreases. For that reason, it is a high risk weapon in that it is necessary to get as close to the enemy as possible.
Mag Blaster
A particle beam rifle developed for use by Wing Divers. Since it is also possible to use while flying, it is equipped with a small energy core. And since that energy core provides the power used when firing the weapon, the weapon can be put to use without putting a load on the flight unit. It consumes power from the flight unit only during reloading, during which it recovers its core’s energy to the maximum amount. By holding the trigger, a beam will continue to fire. Its accuracy is higher and its destructive power is far greater than a live ammunition weapon. However, its output decreases as the power stored in its energy core depletes. When the power left in its energy core is at half of its maximum amount, its greatest level of destruction falls to about 25 percent of the maximum amount. For that reason, as long as the situation allows it, you should reload to preserve its firepower.
Spine Blaster
A new model laser gun that fires a converged particle beam. The high-density converged laser can pierce through objects and deals damage to everything that it hits. It is an extremely powerful weapon when it is fully charged, but if the amount of power it has left is reduced, its range becomes shorter to match. Its convergence time also decreases depending on the distance. Its power decreases, as well. It seems that dealing fatal damage from far away is difficult.
Plasma Cannon
A plasma weapon able to attack a wide range. It fires plasma balls. When a plasma ball makes impact, it explodes and emits a flash, blowing away the surrounding enemies. Since the plasma ball creates a slow parabola, it is not intended for long distance firing. By holding the trigger, it will charge up power from the flight unit. It will fire by releasing the trigger. The destructive power, scale of the explosion, and firing speed change depending on the amount of power charged.
Stardust Cannon
A new model plasma rifle. It simultaneously fires a countless number of plasma balls. Although small, the plasma balls are high in density and will quickly drop after firing. For that reason, its range is short. However, it is possible to fire towards the sky and use it in the air to attack a large number of enemies. By holding the trigger, it will charge up power. It will fire by releasing the trigger. The amount of shots fired increases depending on the amount of power charged.
Earth Defense Force 5 is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan in 2017.