Square Enix on Dragon Quest XI for Switch: ‘We’ll have something to say when the timing is right’
A rare comment about the Switch version.
Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time producer Yosuke Saito briefly commented on the Switch version of the game during a Dragon Quest X live stream today.
“We can’t say about anything concrete regarding the Switch version of Dragon Quest XI,” Horii said. “When the timing comes that we can say something… there are grown-up reasons.”
Saito continued, “When the time that we can say something does come, I think we’ll have something to say, so if you can please wait.”
Dragon Quest series creator Yuji Horii added that “there are various circumstances.”
Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time is currently planned for release on PlayStation 4 and 3DS in Japan on July 29.
Thanks, Games Talk.