Days Gone will be at E3 2017 “in a big way,” says lead voice actor
SIE Bend Studio's PlayStation 4 title returns to the spotlight in June.
Days Gone, the E3 2016-announced open-world action adventure game from Sony Interactive Entertainment Bend Studio, will be at E3 2017 “in a big way,” according to lead protagonist Deacon St. John voice actor Sam Witwer.
Asked about the title during a Twitch live stream (at approx. 00:13:15), Witwer replied, “Days Gone will be at E3 next month… in a big way. Days Gone is going to be there in a big way.”
Outside of its initial announcement, the only other time we heard from Days Gone was at the PlayStation 4 Pro announcement in September 2016, during which it was showcased as a technical demonstration.
Thanks, Gamepur.