Polygon has gone up with 19 minutes of footage and first details on the upcoming Phantom Dust remaster for Xbox One and PC.
The Phantom Dust remaster moves from a 4:3 aspect ratio to 16:9. On Xbox One, the game renders at 1080p, and on PC, it renders at 4K resolution.
Card data for every single one of the game’s skills is now stored on Microsoft’s server, allowing the company to rapidly push out patches and tweak the game balance in real-time.
Microsoft also made changes to the game’s single-player story progression, no longer preventing players from getting into the game’s core deck-building mechanic in the first few hours of the game. Additionally, if you fail any mission three times, you can skip it. You’ll still get rewards, but there are some achievements that are tied to not skipping and doing challenging things.
There will also be free and paid downloadable content. One of the first free downloadable add-ons will give you “a whole bunch of skills and an arsenal case” so you can jump straight into multiplayer with an assortment of cards to build decks from. There are also “a whole bunch of accelerants” for multiplayer, “so if you want all of the skills immediately, for a couple bucks, you can get all of the skills.”
Microsoft said it hasn’t changed anything about the way the original game works, and that downloadable content was just added for convenience.
Watch the gameplay below.