NIS America will host a live stream for its 2017 press event on February 17 at 7:00 p.m. PT / 10:00 p.m. ET, the company announced. You’ll be able to watch it on Twitch.
In an e-mail sent to press, the company teased five new game announcements, as well as “release dates for our first game on Switch and a game featuring an adorable black and white bear.” The company is, of course, referring to Disgaea 5 Complete and Danganronpa V3: Killling Harmony. A previous e-mail confirmed that the game announcements will span across PS Vita, 3DS, PlayStation 4, and Steam. Special guests including The Silver Case creator Goichi “Suda 51” Suda and Danganronpa creator Kazutaka Kodaka will also appear.
One of the five new game announcements may have already leaked. The Australian Classification board rated RPG Maker Fes for 3DS yesterday under the publishing of NIS America.