Additionally, Compile Heart has updated the game’s official website with details on the battle system:
Set Your Favorite Skills
With Skill Set, you can freely assign your favorite skills to the Circle, Triangle, X, and Square buttons. There are two Skill Sheets, which can be switched between even during battle.
Skills are special attacks that consume SP. Skills for each character differ, from those that draw closer to the enemy and unleash consecutive attacks to attack magic, recovery magic, and so on. There are two main types of skills—“Physical (STR) Skills” and “Magic (INT) Skills.” Physical Skills are good reducing the enemy’s HP, while Magic Skills can easily reduce the enemy’s Break Gauge.
You can check the skills you’ve set by pressing the L1 button. (Letting go of the L1 button will make the skill display disappear.) You can switch between Skill Sheets with the up and down buttons.
Locking On to Enemies and the Break Gauge
By locking on to an enemy with the R1 buton, you can check the enemy’s status, including their HP, weaknesses, and Break Gauge (which represents the enemy’s posture). The locked-on enemy is indicated by a cursor, and you can switch between lock-on targets with the right stick. By analyzing the enemy’s status, you’ll be able to proceed the battle more advantageously.
By reducing the enemy’s Break Gauge to zero, the enemy will not be able to perform actions for a fixed period of time, which acts as your chance to attack. By making clever use of your skills, try to break the enemy early on. Be sure to attack with the attributes their weak to. There are four attributes: fire, ice, thunder, and wind.
Awakening and Awakening Arcane
You can fill your Awakening Gauge, which is to the left of the player character’s face icon, by attacking enemies and receiving damage. When you fill up at least one of your Awakening Gauges, you can trigger an Awakening. Furthermore, if at least three Awakening Gauges are filled during an Awakening, you can use a special move called an Awakening Arcane exclusive to that character. Specific requirements must be met to learn an Awakening Arcane.
During an Awakening, not only will your skill power increase, yor SP gauge will always recover quickly, which acts as your chance to consecutively attack using skills. In this state, your Awakening Gauge will slowly decrease, and the Awakening will end when it reaches zero.
Awakening Arcanes can heavily reduce an enemy’s HP and Break Gauge, and act as your strongest special attack. However, if you use an Awakening Arcane, you’ll consume three Awakening Gauges, and the time you have left in the Awakening state will be reduced.
Both Awakening and Awakening Arcane can only be used by the player character when playing offline, but by each player (i.e. multiple characters) when playing online.
In the Strategy Screen, you can decide the strategy of your party members. You can select from nine strategy options that indicate the course of action for your AI-controlled party.
Four Goddesses Online: Cyber Dimension Neptune is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan on February 9.
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