Pokemon Sun and Moon details Alolan Diglett and Dugtrio, UB-03 and UB-05 Ultra Beasts, Starter Z-Moves, more
Another information blast ahead of this week's release.
The Pokemon Company has shared the latest information, video, and screenshots of Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon, introducing Alolan variants of Diglett and Dugtrio, two new Ultra Beasts, the starter Pokemon Z-Movies, and more.
Diglett in the Alola region live near volcanic areas, so they have few places to hide themselves away. Their tunneling activity plows the land, creating cultivated soil that’s great for agriculture. Because of this, many people in the Alola region are grateful for the presence of Diglett.
The hairlike growths sprouting from Diglett’s head are metallic whiskers. It’s said they developed these stiff yet flexible whiskers in order to survive in the hostile volcanic environment. The whiskers provide a sensory function, enabling Alolan Diglett to scan the surrounding area without exposing their faces aboveground.
Their current emotional state is revealed by their whiskers. When their whiskers stand straight up, they’re angry. Whiskers that wave are a sign that the Pokemon is on alert. When they swing their whiskers around, they’re in a good mood, and when their whiskers droop, they’re feeling lonely or downhearted.
Alolan Diglett can have the Tangling Hair Ability, which is a new Ability that no other Pokemon has previously had. With the Tangling Hair Ability, opponents that hit Alolan Diglett with a move that makes direct contact will have their Speed lowered by 1.
In the Alola region, Dugtrio is revered as an incarnation of the god of the land, and it’s treated with great importance. This is why the people of Alola fall to their knees and bow deeply whenever they come across an Alolan Dugtrio that has poked its faces out of its burrow.
Alolan Dugtrio’s whiskers shine with a brilliance akin to golden hair. The whiskers are flexible, just like Diglett’s, but hard and strong. They continue to grow throughout an Alolan Dugtrio’s life, although at a very slow rate. Removing Alolan Dugtrio whiskers from the Alola region is prohibited. It’s said that those who take them receive divine punishment. Every year, many tourists come back, apparently to return whiskers they had taken.
There is a superstitious belief that many Alolan Dugtrio come out of their holes on a day when a volcano will erupt. Older residents of Alola will flee immediately at the sight. It’s thought that Alolan Dugtrio, which live beneath the ground’s surface, detect movements in the ground that indicate an impending eruption and are so alarmed that they come aboveground.
There are many Pokemon for you to encounter in your Pokemon Sun or Pokemon Moon game—but not every Pokemon will appear in both games! To obtain every Pokemon, you’ll need to trade with other players. Take a look at the Pokemon known to appear only in either Pokemon Sun or Pokemon Moon.
Pokemon Exclusive to Pokemon Sun:
Alolan Vulpix
Pokemon Exclusive to Pokemon Moon:
Alolan Sandshrew
What’s up with Rockruff?
Rockruff is a special Pokemon that can evolve into different forms depending on which game you’re playing. However, you may be able to find both of its evolved forms in the wild. Search for them—both day and night!
Another of the Ultra Beasts is known as UB-03 Lighting. More will be revealed during the players’ adventures around the Alola region.
UB-05 Glutton
This beast has an astounding appetite, and it will completely devour anything in front of its eyes. It’s said that it devours not only objects, but the ground, rivers, and even the seas!
Despite the abnormal amounts that this beast consumes, it’s said that it doesn’t produce any waste products. It’s possible that it’s completely converting everything it eats into energy to sustain itself, but the true details remain unknown.
■ Mysterious Pokemon
The image of one additional Pokemon was also revealed, but players will have to pick up the games when they launch on November 18 to find out more about this mysterious Pokemon!
Befriend Greninja in the Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon Special Demo Version, and then receive it via Mystery Gift in Pokemon Sun or Pokemon Moon.
After you’ve played the Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon Special Demo Version and have obtained one of the full games, you’ll be able to send Greninja to Pokemon Sun or Pokemon Moon by talking to Professor Kukui in a Pokemon Center.
Add Magearna to Your Team
Level: 50
Ability: Soul-Heart
Type: Steel/Fairy
Fleur Cannon
Flash Cannon
Lucky Chant
Helping Hand
Held Item: Bottle Cap
Ball: Cherish Ball
Ribbon: Wishing Ribbon
Get the Mythical Pokemon Magearna at a certain point in the game by scanning a QR Code using the QR Scanner in Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon. After scanning the QR Code, you’ll be able to get Magearna on your team by visiting the antique shop in Hau’oli City shopping mall.
Add Munchlax to Your Team
Level: 5
Ability: Thick Fat
Type: Normal
Hold Back
Happy Hour
Ball: Cherish Ball
Ribbon: Classic Ribbon
Obtain the early-purchase gift of a Munchlax that evolves into Pulverizing Snorlax and Snorlium Z via the Internet as a Mystery Gift.
Z-Moves are special moves that a Pokemon can use when it’s holding a Z-Crystal that corresponds to its move’s type, but their effects seem to vary greatly depending on whether they’re based on attack moves or status moves.
Z-Move Attack Details
Z-Moves based on attack moves have far greater power than usual moves, but how powerful they will be does seem to depend on the power of the original move that a Z-Move is based on. Since Z-Moves are full-powered attacks, they also seem to be impossible to fully ward off with moves like Protect and Detect—they will still do damage.
Z-Move Status Move Details
When you pour your Z-Power into a status move, it will be powered up into a status move with new effects added to it. These effects seem to come in many varieties, so some may raise your own Pokemon’s stats, while others may heal the next Pokemon to switch in, for example.
Exclusive Z-Move: Sinister Arrow Raid
Decidueye slices through the air together with a hail of arrow quills, crashing into the target before dealing the final blow with its arrows.
Exclusive Z-Move: Malicious Moonsault
Spouting flames from its flame belt, Incineroar leaps high into the sky and dives down upon its target!
Exclusive Z-Move: Oceanic Operetta
Primarina manipulates a huge balloon with its voice, causing it to explode over its target’s head to deal great damage.
There are four formats of Link Battles you can participate in from your Pokemon Sun or Pokemon Moon game:
Quick Link (Local Wireless)
Link Battles in Festival Plaza (Local Wireless / Internet)
Battle Spot—Free Battle (Internet)
Battle Spot—Rating Battle (Internet)
Some battle methods are restricted from use depending on the format. Single and Double Battles are permitted in any of the formats. Multi Battles are permitted only in Link Battles in Festival Plaza. You can play in the Battle Format via Link Battles in Festival Plaza and in Battle Spot-Free Battle.
Pokemon Permitted in the Battle Spot’s Free Battles
The Battle Spot’s Free Battle format now has the ability to choose whether or not to include “Special Pokemon” (certain Legendary Pokemon and Mythical Pokemon) for Pokemon selection.
Transmission of Regulation Data
There are plans to distribute regulation data as needed so that players can experience different regulations together with their friends or other players in Festival Plaza, even outside of competitions. Notifications regarding which regulations are currently available will be provided at the Pokemon Global Link.
Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon are due out for 3DS on November 18 in North America and November 23 in Europe.
Watch the trailer below. View the screenshots at the gallery.