First look at Nepgear in Four Goddesses Online: Cyber Dimension Neptune
Nepgear is a magician in the world of Four Goddesses Online.
Dengeki has gone up with a new online preview of Four Goddesses Online: Cyber Dimension Neptune ahead of its magazine coverage this week, providing a first look at Nepgear in the Unreal Engine 4-powered action RPG.
In the world of “Four Goddesses Online” (that being the name of the game the characters are playing), Nepgear is a magician. Uni will also appear as a thief, Rom as a warrior, and Ram as a ninja.
Here’s a look at Nepgear the magician:
The preview also gives us a look at the package illustration for the previously detailed “Royal Edition” of the game:
The November 10 issue of Dengeki PlayStation will share more details, including new character information and event CG. The new characters are named Kiria and Kuronekohime, and while both of them seem to be beta test players, how might they be involved with Neptune and company? Information from the magazine is likely to leak in the early hours of November 8, eastern time.
Four Goddesses Online: Cyber Dimension Neptune is due out for PlayStation 4 in Japan on February 9. If you missed them, catch the first screenshots here, and details on the story and first five characters here.