Yo-kai Watch 3: Sushi and Tempura double pack also planned.
Level-5 has released the debut trailer and opened the official website for Yo-kai Watch 3: Sukiyaki, its newly announced third version of Yo-kai Watch 3 due out on December 15 in Japan for 4,800 yen.
Here’s everything new about the game, via the official website:
Up to four-player multiplayeraction in the new “Yo-kai Watch Blasters Treasure” mode. (Solo play is also possible!) Control a Yo-kai and clear dungeons while cooperating with other players. Various traps, such as land mines, spear beds, and metal basins will block your path, as well as many powerful boss yo-kai such as Galactalian, Bishagatsuku, Super Tenchou, and others. Ancient treasures known as “New Parts” are hidden within the dungeons, and those who obtain it can raise their ranks from E-rank yo-kai to S-rank yo-kai. Outside of that, there are also various special items.
This mode will also be added to Yo-kai Watch 3: Sushi and Yo-kai Watch 3: Tempura via a free major update, the “Treasue Update,” on December 15.
Sukiyaki-Exclusive Movie-Related Story Added
A special story connected to the December 17-due Yo-kai Watch The Movie: The Flying Whale and the Grand Adventure of the Double Worlds, Meow! has been added just for Yo-kai Watch 3: Sukiyaki. The movie switches between anime and real-life, but in the game there seems to be a “graphic novel style.”
The following new yo-kai will be added exclusively to Yo-kai Watch 3: Sukiyaki:
Ultimate Robonyan
The following new yo-kai will appear in Yo-kai Watch 3: Sukiykai, as well as Yo-kai Watch 3: Sushi and Yo-kai Watch 3: Tempura via the “Treasure Update”:
Mystery Legend Yo-kai: New yo-kai related to the hidden treasures of Blasters Treasure.
If you buy the physical version of Yo-kai Watch 3: Sukiyaki, you’ll get the “Kakusei Enma Medal.” The QR code on the medal can be used to befriend Enma Daiou in the game. You’ll also obtain a special piece of equipment that can only be used by Enma Daiou and Kakusei Enma.
If you buy the digital version of Yo-kai Watch 3: Sukiyaki, you’ll get the “USA Tofu” yo-kai.
Data Transfer
Your data from Yo-kai Watch 3: Sushi and Yo-kai Watch 3: Tempura can be transferred to Yo-kai Watch 3: Sukiyaki. It will carry over your story progress, as well as the yo-kai you’ve befriended.
Yo-kai Sangokushi Link
By linking Yo-kai Watch 3: Sukiyaki with Yo-kai Sangokushi, a total of six “Military Commander Yo-kai” will appear in Yo-kai Watch 3: Sukiyaki. These include:
Whisper Zhuge Liang
Furuynan Cao Cao
Kurooni Lu Bu
In addition to the previous three that appeared when Yo-kai Watch 3: Sushi and Yo-kai Watch 3: Tempura were linked with Yo-kai Sangokushi:
By linking together Yo-kai Watch 3: Sukiyaki, Yo-kai Watch 3: Sushi, and Yo-kai Watch 3: Tempura, new “God Yo-kai” will appear. Here’s the list of yo-kai and the versions that need to be linked to obtain them:
Kakusei Enma (Sushi x Tempura x Sukiyaki)
Nurari Shin (Sushi x Tempura)
Sendai Enma Daiou (Sushi x Sukiyaki)
Kakusei Hinoshin (Tempura x Sukiyaki)
In related news, Level-5 announced it will release a Yo-kai Watch 3: Sushi and “Yo-kai Watch 3: Tempura Blasters Treasure Pack” alongside Yo-kai Watch 3: Sukiykai on December 15. It will be available at a special price of 6,400 yen.