Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash will be released in western and Asian markets
News that should come as no surprise.
It should come as no surprise given the series’ previous releases outside of Japan, but Marvelous will release Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash, its upcoming water gun-based, third-person shooter entry in the series for PlayStation 4, in western and Asian markets, the company confirmed.
The news comes via the company’s latest financial results overview, in which it says it plans to “release the game in overseas markets such as western and Asian countries.”
Further information was not provided. We’ll likely hear more about a release window when XSEED Games, Marvelous’ U.S. subsidiary, officially announces its localization.
If you missed it, catch the game’s opening movie here, details on the story, systems, and characters here, and details on the Japanese limited editions here.