Dragon Quest VII for 3DS ‘Discover Monster Meadows’ trailer
A place where tamed monsters can live peacefully.
Nintendo has released a new trailer for Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past introducing Monster Meadows, a place where tamed monsters can live peacefully in somewhat natural habitats.
Monster Meadows exists in a place lost in time that can be accessed via a portal in the Haven. You can tame monsters by defeating them in battle while holding “Monster Munchies.” Plus, the “Monster Master” vocation has a passive effect that makes it easier to tame monsters. Over time, Monster Meadows will expand to include other areas. You can also form a team of three monsters who can be sent off to explore a cave and find a tablet for a randomly generated dungeon, which can be shared with other players.
If you missed them, check out the Haven, tactics, classes, battle, and world trailers.
Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past is due out for 3DS in North America and Europe on September 16.
Watch the trailer below.