Dragon Ball Fusions updated in Japan to add Space-Time Radar stage, online battles
Special demo with Time-Space Radar stage also released.
Bandai Namco released a free update for Dragon Ball Fusions in Japan today adding a new stage and online battles.
The new stage, “Space-Time Radar,” is set in the real world where the player lives and uses the 3DS to pick up Wi-Fi radio waves from all over the country and cause “tears in space and time” in the stage. The characters and battles that emerge from these tears will give you the chance to befriend rare characters. The characters that appear vary and there are also radio waves that cause characters you haven’t befriended to easily appear.
Additionally, an “Online Battles & Ranking Function” allowing you to battle players across the country has also been added. Make new allies, strengthen your team, and then take them online to battle against friends, family, and players nationwide while aiming to become the number one ranked player in the nation.
In addition to the update, Bandai Namco also released a special Dragon Ball Fusions demo on the Nintendo eShop that lets players enjoy the “Space-Time Radar” area, as well as perform EX Fusions with the character they gathered to create new super warriors.
Dragon Ball Fusions is now available for 3DS in Japan, and will launch in North America on December 13 and Europe in February 2017.
View a set of screenshots from the update at the gallery.