Natsume has detailed the characters of River City: Tokyo Rumble, its upcoming RPG brawler from Arc System Works for 3DS.
Get the information below.
Kunio seeks to take back Tokyo from the massive Lion Alliance gang. Kunio is a thug with a heart of gold who looks out for his pals and fights for justice.
Misako frowns on delinquents, but makes an exception for Kunio.
Physically huge, Misuzu intimidates people and has a tough personality to match. Treat this delicate flower like a lady, or she’ll introduce you to her fists!
Returning from River City Ransom, twins Randy and Andy make up the Double Dragons!
A misunderstanding with Kunio roped Riki into the fray. Riki fights for justice, but when he gets really mad, he snaps and goes berserk.
Gunning for revenge against Kunio, who previously humiliated the Sanwa Gang. Fans of Renegade should remember this bad guy!
Shinji went to school with Riki and is older, so he expects to be respected. He demands respect from his lowerclassmen, with fists if necessary!
Usually easygoing, until something gets him riled. Then he turns nasty! Watch out for his spin attack!
Tiger Claw
The younger of the Double Tigers wrestling brothers!
River City: Tokyo Rumble is due out for 3DS in September.