Super Robot Wars: OG The Moon Dwellers, the first 25th anniversary title of the Super Robot Wars franchise, debuted at over 109,000 sales across PlayStation 4 and PS Vita during its first week of sale in Japan, the latest Media Create sales figures reveal.
Zero Time Dilemma, the third entry in Spike Chunsoft‘s Zero Escape adventure game series, opened at over 9,000 sales, selling 5,375 on PS Vita and 3,916 on 3DS.
Also new this week, Shovel Knight for 3DS debuted with an Amiibo set in Japan at 6,518 sales.
Get the full sales charts below.
Software Sales (followed by lifetime sales)
- [PS4] Super Robot Wars OG: The Moon Dwellers (Bandai Namco, 06/30/16) – 70,392 (New)
- [PS3] Super Robot Wars OG: The Moon Dwellers (Bandai Namco, 06/30/16) – 38,715 (New)
- [3DS] Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns (Marvelous, 06/23/16) – 30,926 (131,245)
- [Wii U] Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games (Nintendo, 06/23/16) – 10,679 (28,956)
- [Wii U] Minecraft: Wii U Edition (Mojang, 06/23/16) – 10,478 (33,068)
- [PSV] Coven and Labyrinth of Refrain (NIS, 06/23/16) – 9,522 (27,096)
- [3DS] Taiko Drum Master: Doko Don! Mystery Adventure (Bandai Namco, 06/16/16) – 7,736 (51,800)
- [3DS] Kirby: Planet Robobot (Nintendo, 04/29/16) – 7,707 (338,053)
- [PS4] Dragon’s Dogma Online Season 2 Limited Edition (Capcom, 06/30/16) – 7,590 (New)
- [3DS] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice (Capcom, 06/09/16) – 7,543 (241,465)
- [PSV] Caligula (FuRyu, 06/23/16) – 7,289 (38,532)
- [PSV] Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition (SIE, 03/19/15) – 6,621 (811,691)
- [3DS] Shovel Knight Amiibo Set (Nintendo, 06/30/16) – 6,518 (New)
- [PS4] Overwatch (Square Enix, 05/26/16) – 6,390 (110,768)
- [PSV] Dragon Quest Heroes II: The Twin Kings and the Prophecy’s End (Square Enix, 05/27/16) – 6,072 (208,009)
- [PSV] Zero Time Dilemma (Spike Chunsoft, 06/30/16) – 5,375 (New)
- [Wii U] Splatoon (Nintendo, 05/28/15) – 5,265 (1,398,665)
- [Wii U] Super Mario Maker (Nintendo, 09/10/15) – 4,803 (905,422)
- [3DS] Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games (Nintendo, 02/18/16) – 4,502 (182,976)
- [3DS] Zero Time Dilemma (Spike Chunsoft, 06/30/16) – 3,916 (New)
Hardware Sales (followed by last week’s sales)
- PlayStation 4 – 23,679 (22,715)
- New 3DS LL – 17,648 (18,836)
- PlayStation Vita – 11,461 (11,986)
- Wii U – 4,444 (4,358)
- New 3DS – 4,122 (3,208)
- PlayStation 3 – 1,265 (1,141)
- 3DS – 718 (707)
- 3DS LL – 82 (146)
- Xbox One – 73 (70)