Resident Evil 20th anniversary video interview: Yoshiaki Hirabayashi and Yasuhiro Anpo
From ambitious origins to the Resident Evil 2 remake.
Capcom has released the fifth in its series of developer interviews celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Resident Evil series.
This time, Yasuhiro Anpo, programmer on early Resident Evil games and director on Resident Evil 5, and Yoshiaki Hirabayashi, developer on the Resident Evil remake and producer on the Resident Evil high-def remasterr, discuss their memories of working on Resident Evil 5 and touch on the anticipated Resident Evil 2 remake.
If you missed it, catch the previous Resident Evil 20th anniversary video interviews here: Michiteru Okabe and Yasuhiro Anpo, Masachika Kawata, Koji Oda, Hiroyuki Kobayashi.
Get the Michiteru Okabe and Yasuhiro Anpo interview below.