JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven ‘Chapter 6’ and ‘Chapter 7’ trailers
A look at the characters of Stone Ocean and Steel Ball Run.
Bandai Namco has released a new set of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven trailers and screenshots introducing the characters and stages from Chapter 6: Stone Ocean and Chapter 7: Steel Ball Run.
The following characters are featured:
Chapter 6: Stone Ocean
- Jolyne Kujo
- Ermes Costello
- Weather Forecast
- Narc Anastasia
- Father Pucci
- Pucci, Awaiting the Moon
Chapter 7: Steel Ball Run
- Johnny Joestar
- Gyro Zeppeli
- Funny Valentine
- Diego Brando
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven is due out for PlayStation 4 digitally on June 28 in North America , and both physically and digitally on July 1 in Europe with all downloadable content included.
Watch the trailers below. View the screenshots at the gallery.