Battle of Elemental REBOOST adds playable rival characters
New characters are the alter egos of the previous characters.
Five rival characters will join the playable character lineup of the upcoming Battle of Elemental REBOOST for 3DS.
Four of the five characters are the alter egos of the game’s previously announced playable characters. There’s Sils (Celcius’ alter ego), Renzasilt (Fahrenheit’s alter ego), Mel (Mole’s alter ego), and Io (Biot’s alter ego). The fifth character hsa yet to be revealed, but will supposedly unlock after you’ve met certain requirements.
Amzy also announced that the game will feature a “Survival Mode,” where you win through fights as your favorite character to achieve a high score, and confirmed that there will be a “Record” screen to check your wins and losses, as well as key configuration to configure the controls to your liking.
Battle of Elemental REBOOST is due out in Japan via the Nintendo eShop in June.
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