Dragon Quest Heroes II details Meena, Carver, and Angelo, Quests
Take on quests to earn rewards.
Square Enix has released new Dragon Quest Heroes II: The Twin Kings and the Prophecy’s End details and screenshots, further detailing Dragon Quest IV character Meena, Dragon Quest VI character Carver, and Dragon Quest VIII character Angelo, as well as the game’s Quests system.
Get the information below.
■ Meena (voiced by Yoko Hisa) from Dragon Quest IV
A famous, on the mark fortune teller. She is reliable and has a quiet personality compared to her wild and spendthrift older sister Maya. As someone who specializes in crystal ball and tarot card fortune telling, her mysterious power to see the future will guide the party when they lose their way.
Discover the Key to Victory with Meena’s Mysterious Power
As an excellent fortune teller, Meena’s name is widely known. She walks into a different world in search of her older sister Maya, from whom she was separated, and meets the protagonists. She relies on her fortune telling as a guide on the ever-changing battlefield. Often saving her friends, she’ll sometimes rescue the allies she foresees in a crisis, and other times warn them of a new enemy she sees appearing.
Meena’s power is reliable in finding a way to prevail when in a pinch. With Meena’s suggestions, the protagonists can triumph.
Meena confronts someone with a fearless smile. Holding a tarot card, she seems ready to fight, but…!
Use Meena’s Mysterious Tarot Cards on the Battlefield
Meena’s tarot cards can not only be thrown at the enemy to deal damage, they can also capture the enemy with magic. Cards can cause a variety of effects on captured enemies.
Meena’s “Tarot Shuffle” rapid-fires tarot cards and collectively captures enemies.
With “Demon Card,” Meena can damage captured enemies while weakening their defense.
Her “Multiheal” ability uses magic to save the party when they’re in a pinch.
Meena’s special move is “Catacylsm,” which rains down onto the battlefield meteors reflected in her crystal ball.
■ Carver (voiced by Hiroki Yasumoto) from Dragon Quest VI
A roaming warrior who travels from place to place. A lively character, Carver will do things before thinking and forcibly move things forward. His appearance boasts of power, and he uses that power for his carpenter work. If it’s cabin-level, he can easily build it.
Take Action, Don’t Think About It! Carver Charges into the Great War
Carver continues his journey with his partner Terry. Pursuing rumors of a “high tower that reaches the heavens,” they arrive in a different world. Carver has a lively personality and doesn’t care about the minor details, and those traits don’t change in a different world. He opens his heart to humans and monsters living together, and whether his allies are man or beast, he’ll swing his fist to save those in need.
Carver gets angry at the humans harassing the monsters of the forest, and together with Terry knocks them out.
Carver stands on the front lines on the battlefield. He is a brave man who fears no enemy, no matter its power.
Carver’s Well-Trained Body Delivers Shocking Blows
Carver makes full use of his robust body as a human bullet. He demonstrates his might with powerful attacks like “Knuckle Sandwich” and “Flying Knee.”
Carver’s “Knuckle Sandwich” thrusts his fist directly at the enemy.
With “Flying Knee,” Carver makes a big leap forward with a strong knee kick.
His “Forbearance” ability enhances his defense and protects his surrounding allies with open arms.
Carver’s special move is “Hell Rock Drop,” which sees a large rock emerge from the ground and shot down at enemies from the sky.
■ Angelo (voiced by Yoshimasa Hosoya) from Dragon Quest VIII
A roaming warrior who travels from place to place. A lively character, Carver will do things before thinking and forcibly move things forward. His appearance boasts of power, and he uses that power for his carpenter work. If it’s cabin-level, he can easily build it.
A Playboy Who Can Change the Setting of Even a Different World to a Romantic One
Before he knows it, Angelo finds himself in an unknown world. However, being that he’s with Jessica, as long as he can continue his romantic talks, he won’t panic. While he is a playboy who seduces women with his naturally good looks and nauseating flattery, he is a chivalrous soul at heart who will put himself at risk to save a lady in a crisis.
Angelo is not as annoyed as you’d expect about arriving in an different world with only Jessica, who is more so annoyed.
Angelo fights valiantly on the battlefield to protect the ladies. He’ll even make playboy-like frivolous talk when formidable foes appear.
Angelo Can Attack from a Distance and Also Provide Support
Angelo can use his bow for long distance attacks, aiming and shooting to accurately strike the enemy even from afar. He can also inspire and support his allies by ringing his tambourine.
Angelo’s “Shining Bow” sees him shoot arrows towards the sky and fall down from overhead.
His “Cold Smile” sees him put on a freezing-like smile to freeze his surrounding enemies.
With “Mysterious Tambourine,” Angelo plays the music of battle to increase his allies’ tensions.
Angelo’s special move is “Pearly Gates,” which deals holy damage to the enemy with a light in the shape of a cross.
■ Quests
By visiting the “Quest Office” in the castle town of Zebion, you can take on requests, called “Quests,” from the people.
Requests vary, from defeating monsters to delivering items and searching for lost items. Completing Quests will yield rewards. Since some rewards will prove useful on your adventure, you should try to actively take on Quests as you play.
The Quest Office is located in the castle town of Zebion. Try to check it frequently for new Quests.
By reading the Quest’s description, you’ll see its location, target enemy, tips to complete it, and other information.
There are time limits to completing a Quest from when it is accepted.
The Quest will be stamped when you successfully complete it and a reward will be obtained.
Dragon Quest Heroes II: The Twin Kings and the Prophecy’s End is due out for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PS Vita in Japan on May 27.