Ace Attorney 6 details Multi-Angle Video Identification
Two videos, one scene. Find the inconsistency.
Capcom has released new Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 6 information and screenshots introducing the game’s new “Multi-Angle Video Identification” system.
Get the information below.
■ Multi-Angle Video Identification
In Ace Attorney 6, there is a new type of scientific investigation system called “Multi-Angle Video Identification.”
Through this system, two videos showcasing camera footage of two different perspectives of the same scene are displayed. But there is something… out of place. By comparing the two videos of the same scene, try and find an inconsistency.
The bottom screen has fast forward, rewind, and pause controls, and a button to switch between videos. You can also advance by frames.
Check the same areas in each video to locate an inconsistency.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 6 is due out for 3DS in Japan on June 9. A western release is also planned, but has not been dated.